Tips for Obtaining A Yellow Fever Card In Nigeria – Simple Easy Steps
The yellow fever card is a card that serves as evidence that you have been vaccinated against the deadly yellow fever virus. Getting a yellow fever card in Nigeria has always been a big issue until recently where the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) issued a new directive for obtaining the yellow fever card.
Why Is the yellow Fever card Important
Yellow fever card is an international certificate of vaccination mandated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from international travellers within some specific countries around the world. Also, every country has requirements regarding yellow fever vaccination before coming to their country. It is therefore important to know this when travelling.
The Yellow fever card is a confirmation that you have been vaccinated against yellow fever. It is compulsory for international travellers who are travelling from risk countries or going to affected countries to take those shots before leaving their country and as evidence of being vaccinated and you will be issued the new e-Yellow Card.
How to get Yellow Fever Card in Nigeria
Before now, getting a yellow fever card in Nigeria is a very difficult task and sometimes when you finally do you are not sure if what you got was authentic. To curb these menace, the federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has issued a seamless directive for applying for and getting the new e-Yellow fever card.
The importance of the card is to prove that you have been vaccinated and that in the case of an outbreak you are covered. Also if you are coming from a risk country this is done to prevent a risk of an epidemic in the country that you are visiting.
High-Risk Yellow Fever Countries
There are some locations tagged as red zone countries these are high-risk countries. They are tagged as red zones because there is a high risk of yellow fever infection in those countries. These High-risk countries include:
– Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda.
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela
Easy Steps to Obtain a yellow fever card In Nigeria

Step 1
Visit any of these sites yellowcard.health.gov.ng or www.yellowcardnigeria.com
Step 2.
Click Register to begin your Yellow card Application
Step 3
Fill your all your personal information as requested which includes Your name, date of birth, gender, Phone number, Passport number, country, email address, residential Address, State
Step 4
Verify all your information and make sure it is correct
Step 5
Click on the payment button to generate your unique Remita Retrieval Receipt (RRR) code
Step 6
Make your payment, 2,000 Naira. You can choose to pay online with your debit card or through the bank
Step 7
Once you complete your payment, print your online receipt or take receipt generated at the bank with your International passport to any Port Health Services office to get vaccinated against yellow fever.
Step 8.
Once you have been vaccinated, you will be issued an e-Yellow fever card. It takes about an hour for the card to be ready.
Things to Note about the Yellow fever
- It currently doesn’t have a cure
- You can only get vaccinated against the disease
- You need to get the shots at least 10 days before you travel, make sure you get your shots on time.
- The shots only need to be taken once
- Mosquitoes are the primary carrier of this disease
- Travellers including children that are 9 months and older are required to take the shots